A base address is accompanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location ( the absolute address) of the information. 基址伴随着一个加到基上的偏移值来确定信息准确的位置(绝对地址)。
This is often used for short-range branches where the destination is near the current location, so specifying an offset rather than an absolute address makes more sense. 这通常用于短程分支,其中目标地址距当前位置很近,因此指定一个偏移量(而不是绝对地址)会更有意义。
To insert the probe at offset0x22c4, get the relative offset from the beginning of the routine0x22c4-0x22b0= 0x14 and then add the offset to the address of do_fork0xc01441d0+ 0x14. 要在偏移位置0x22c4插入探测器,先要得到与例程的开始处相对的偏移量0x22c4-0x22b0=0x14,然后将这个偏移量添加到dofork的地址0xc01441d0+0x14。
LR_OFFSET is the offset into the stack frame of the return address. LROFFSET是返回地址的堆栈框架的偏移量。
The other popular formats are the X-Form, which takes two registers which are added together, or the A-Form, which can hold a constant or a constant relative offset address. 其他常见的格式还有X-Form(接受两个加在一起的寄存器)和A-Form(可保存一个常量或一个常量相对偏移量地址)。
The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines. 提出了一种新的低功耗非冗余排序总线编码方法,通过对改进的偏移地址线的动态重排以降低具有高负载的地址总线的功耗。
Take the address of the line after the jump and add the jump offset to it and you have the jump target address. 跳转行之后的地址加上跳转的偏移量等于要跳转到的目标地址。
Each byte offset identifies a memory address used by a machine code instruction. 每个字节位移用于标识一个机器代码指令使用的内存地址。
With all the bogus offset projects, huge giveaways to polluters, and the failure to address the injustices of climate change, do you think the Third World will get on board with a global cap? 有这麽多捏造的抵减计画,赠送给污染者的庞大碳权,还有无法处理气候变迁的不公义之处,你认为第三世界国家还会想参加全球碳总量管制吗?
Basically all the individual memory addresses we used before become an offset from the new base address that the program is placed into. 基本上我们之前的程序里所有的单独的内存地址,与程序被放置的新的基地址之间形成一个(固定)偏移。
An RVA is the address of an item once loaded into memory, with the base address of the image file subtracted from it ( i.e., the offset from the base address where the file is loaded). RVA是将某一项加载到内存之后的地址,减去镜像文件的基地址得到的值(也就是从文件加载到内存之后的基地址开始的偏移量)。
And of course the offset is given as the original address in our source file. 当然,在我们的源文件里给出初始地址作为偏移量。
There is one address for read and write which comprise two parts, a start address and the offset address. 用一SRAM来存储解交织的数据,读写共用一个地址,由基地址和偏移地址组成。
The privileged read mechanism based on the offset of cacheline address reduces the cache miss delay and makes it certain. 提出的基于Cache行地址偏移量的优先读取方法不仅减小了Cache的失效延迟,而且使得延迟变得较为确定。
Another SRAM is used for storing the offset address. 同时,用另一SRAM来存储偏移地址。